Shareware Grab Bag
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Assembly Source File
204 lines
comment * Parint.com - (C) 1984 by David G Hunter.
This program may be freely copied but may not be sold for profit.
Parint.Com is a program that detects parity errors, logs them on the
printer if possible, beeps, and returns to program execution. The
system does not halt when this program is resident. Parity error
checking is terminated after first error is detected. The error
message includes the time of the event. If the printer is not
available, errors are logged to the screen.
;*************** Addresses of Interrupt handlers *******************
Book segment at 0h ;this is where the interrupt address book is
org 2h*4 ;
Int_2 label dword ;address of NMI handler
Book ends
;*************** Beginning of Parint Instructions *******************
cseg segment
assume cs:cseg
org 100h
Start: jmp newvec ;install new NMI handler in RAM
;************************ NMI handler *******************************
newint proc near ;new interrupt handler
assume ds:cseg, es:cseg
sti ;this flag was cleared when interrupt was issued
jmp go ;jump over more data
;---------------------------- DATA -----------------------------------
GetOut: nop
Instruc db 0EAh ;this is the jump-immediate instruction!
;it jumps to the address stored in oldint.
Oldint dd ;address of old interrupt 2 routine -
Device1 dw 0004 ;printer
Device2 dw 0001 ;standard output device
par1 db 0Dh,0Ah,"Parity Error: Main Board ",07h,0Dh,0Ah
par2 db 0Dh,0Ah,"Parity Error: Expansion Board",07h,0Dh,0Ah
time db " TIME: "
hour dw "00"
db ":"
min dw "00"
db " ",0Dh,0Ah
;--------------------------- MAIN PROGRAM --------------------------
go: push cx
push ds
push dx
push bx
push ax
mov al, 00h
out 0A0h, al ;turn off parity checking for now
xor cx, cx ;cx=error flag: cx=1 if parity OK
in al, 62h ;get data in port C
; - - find origin of NMI - - - - - -
test al, 40h
jz mother
mov dx, offset par2 ;if bit 6 set, error is on expansion board
jmp out ;print message and exit
mother: test al, 80h
jz other
mov dx, offset par1 ;if bit 7 set, error is on main board
jmp out ;print message and exit
other: or cx, 1h ;If neither bit set, no parity error occurred,
mov al, 80h ;so set parity OK flag
out 0A0h, al ;turn parity checking back on.
jmp noprt ;Dont print message if no parity error.
; - - print error message and exit. Type of exit depends on type of error - -
out: mov ax,cs ;establish proper data segment to
mov ds,ax ; allow access to messages
call whatime ;get time of error
mov bx, device1
cmp bx,0004 ;if output is to printer, make sure its ready
jne f1
call testprt
f1: call print
mov dx, offset time ;"time of error" message
call print
mov dx, offset paroff
call print
noprt: popf
pop ax
pop bx
pop dx
pop ds
test cx, 1h ;special exit if parity OK
jnz oth
pop cx
iret ;message printed; let execution continue
; If no parity error, turn control over to pre-existing NMI handler.
; This is done by restoring DS and jumping to the instruction that
; specifies the address of the old interrupt routine. This unusual exit
; is necessary because otherwise, once DS was restored, the address of the
; old interrupt routine would not be accesible.
oth: cli
pop cx
jmp GetOut
newint endp
;************************ SUBROUTINES ********************************
Testprt proc near
push dx
push ax
xor dx,dx ;printer # 0
mov ah,2
int 17h ;read printer status
test ah,00101001b ;error bits
jz aok
mov bx, device2 ;if not ok, try other device
aok: pop ax
pop dx
testprt endp
Print proc near ;output to file named in bx; if error try another file
push cx
mov cx,34 ;34 characters to print
mov ah,40h ;DOS function call
int 21h
pop cx
print endp
Whatime proc near ;what time is it? put result in hour/min
push cx
push dx
mov ah,2Ch ;DOS time
int 21h
mov al,ch ;hours (0-23)
call convt ;put tens in ah, ones in al
mov hour,"00"
add hour,ax
mov al,cl
call convt ;do same for minutes (0-59)
mov min,"00"
add min,ax
pop dx
pop cx
whatime endp
Convt proc near ;convert number (<100) to ASCII. Number is in al.
;result: tens in ah, ones in al.
xor ah,ah ;input is less than 100 anyway, so clear it
push cx
mov cl,10
div cl ;divide ax by 10
pop cx
little: ret
convt endp
;*********************** INSTALL NMI HANDLER *******************
Newvec proc near
jmp past
loaded db 0Dh,0Ah,"PARITY ERROR INTERCEPTOR v2.00 by David Hunter IS NOW"
db " INSTALLED",0Dh,0Ah,"$"
past: mov dx, offset loaded
mov ah,9
int 21h
assume ds:Book ;interrupt address book area
push ds ;save old ds for future use
mov ax,Book
mov ds,ax
mov al, 00h
out 0A0h, al ;turn off parity checking
mov ax,int_2 ;get the address
mov oldint,ax ;save it for some future use
mov ax,int_2[2] ;second part of double word
mov oldint[2],ax
mov int_2, offset newint ;now load the new address
mov int_2[2],cs ;cs is ds in com program
mov al, 80h
out 0A0h, al ;turn parity checking back on
mov dx, offset newvec ;leave new interrupt routine resident
int 27h ;don't need "newvec" or beyond
newvec endp
cseg ends
end start